{ : about Mila : }



Heya! i am Mila. I live in japan in a cozy town, with very kind ppl! I have 2 siblings: a younger sister and an older brother!I rlly love them^^ i do dancing and love aesthetic cottagecore^^ My parents are divorced and i live with my mom and stepdad. I like playing roblox with friends and mostly play cr {club roblox} or rh {royale high} My favoraite characters are Cinnamoroll & mocha {sanrio} Rillakuma {San-X} Pusheen {pusheen} I speek fluent in both Japanese and English!^^ .................................................................................................................................. {MILA'S FAVORAITES:}
  1. {FOOD:} donuts, pizza & smores
  2. {DRINK:} fanta & milk
  3. {COLOR:} lilac, lavender, lightskyblue, lavenderblush & white
  4. {MOVIE:} Sailor moon
  5. {FREE TIME:} Roblox, hanging out with friends & drawing
  6. {ANIMALS:} cats, bunny's